Pigeon Nipple Puller With Case F,For Inverted Nipples


Pigeon promotes baby’s healthy growth and the happiness of mother and family through development innovation. For over a half-century since our establishment, Pigeon has worked tirelessly to develop beneficial maternity and baby care products for easy, enjoyable use. Our expertise and dedication to progress are always at your service.

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SKU: RVM2959 Category:


Pigeon promotes baby’s healthy growth and the happiness of mother and family through development innovation. For over a half-century since our establishment, Pigeon has worked tirelessly to develop beneficial maternity and baby care products for easy, enjoyable use. Our expertise and dedication to progress are always at your service.

Pigeon Nipple Puller draws out inverted nipples easily
Pigeon Nipple Puller is ideal for mother having breast feeding diffculty
Helps in easy breast feeding
Convenient and safe
Never use any of milk expressed out when using Nipple Puller to feed your baby


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